
Results 21 - 30 out of 39

Analysis | Aug 19, 2022
In 2022, the anniversary of the victorious "August Revolution of 1991" in Russia brings only bitter disappointment that descends into depression.
Analysis | Jul 18, 2022
Sooner or later, Putin will face reality. It is in that moment, when his plans are stymied and his disappointment high, that he is likely to be most dangerous.
Analysis | Jul 12, 2022
In this analysis for The Bell, experts discuss which Western sanctions work, which don’t and how they impact the Russian economy.
Analysis | Jun 16, 2022
Our review of 22 years of official statements makes it clear that, typically, Putin has publicly signaled shifts in his views on Ukraine before translating them into policy.
Analysis | Jun 16, 2022
In this interview, the Moscow State University instructor says Russia's advanced regions, which are most closely tied to global value chains, are hurting more than others.
Analysis | Jun 08, 2022
Contemporary Russia, a nation-state, calls itself a federation, like Germany or Switzerland, when in fact it is behaving like an empire in its hour of decline.
Analysis | Jun 03, 2022
Karaganov says Russia has an absolute need of a victory in Ukraine to avoid the risk of the Russian Federation's disintegration.
Analysis | May 20, 2022
According to Kortunov, the conflict concerns a clash between very different ways of organizing social and political life within two countries which together once constituted a large portion of Soviet territory.
Analysis | May 20, 2022
It must be understood that the strategic defeat that the West, led by the United States, is preparing for Russia, will not lead to peace and the subsequent restoration of relations.
Analysis | May 16, 2022
The threat of a nuclear strike on Ukraine is being hotly discussed in the media and social networks. But there are reasons to be both skeptical and wary of this threat.