
Results 1 - 6 out of 6

Analysis | Dec 21, 2023
Petraeus shared with Harvard students, faculty and staff the insights he has outlined in his most recent book, co-authored with Andrew Roberts, "Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine."
Analysis | May 17, 2023
A former U.S. defense attaché to Moscow believes it's almost unavoidable.
Analysis | Apr 20, 2023
In the past, Germany believed it could afford to neglect national and NATO defense because the threat situation was quite different. In retrospect, this was politically short-sighted.
Analysis | Apr 25, 2022
When reforms start at the top—and they will start because this war [in Ukraine] cannot end in a "victory"—the regime will collapse. We know from our recent history that such changes happen quickly and unexpectedly.
Analysis | Apr 07, 2022
Those who approve or stay silent bear, at the very least, collective responsibility for what is happening in their own country and what the state is doing.
Analysis | Nov 23, 2021
Putin may have lost patience with Zelenskiy, but he is unlikely to give marching orders to Russian troops until he exhausts options with Biden.