Back From the Brink: Toward Restraint and Dialogue Between Russia and the West
This is a summary of an article originally published by the Brookings Institution.
This Track II initiative between Americans, Germans and Russians, provides recommendations on how the West and Russia can reduce military tensions. They warn that heightened tensions between great powers mean any misstep can balloon into a major conflict. The commission recommends the following: "discussions on mutual restraint measures; reviving dialogue on joint nuclear risk reduction; taking advantage of existing confidence and security-building measures, such as the Open Skies Treaty; supplementing diplomatic dialogues on the INF treaty by convening a special commission to address technical questions; addressing nuclear-armed cruise missile proliferation by bolstering Missile Technology Control Regime restrictions and exercising restraint in nuclear modernization."
Read the full article at the Brookings Institution.
Deep Cuts Commission
The Deep Cuts Commission is a trilateral German-Russian-U.S. task force coordinated by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH), the Arms Control Association (ACA) and the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO, RAN). It produces analysis and policy recommendations aimed at reducing nuclear arsenals.
Flickr image by the Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency shared in the public domain.