
Results 141 - 150 out of 185

Analysis | Jun 14, 2018
While the Marshall Plan was arguably the most successful U.S. foreign policy program during the Cold War, it also exacerbated Cold War tensions.
Analysis | Mar 27, 2018
With international tensions running high, the top NATO and Russian military commanders have much to discuss.
Analysis | Mar 14, 2018
The annexation of Crimea in 2014 signaled a new phase of Russian foreign policy, characterized by risk taking, neglect of exit strategies, outsourcing and saber rattling. But can the success of these tactics last?
Analysis | Mar 14, 2018
Russian leaders have long debated what to do in the face of a NATO surprise attack. One group of military strategists believes that, in the near future, defensive operations alone will not suffice.
Analysis | Feb 14, 2018
For the past few years, Western planners have been girding for Russian aggression. Ironically, this has raised the likelihood of an unplanned war. Israel has fought such wars and has important lessons to offer the U.S. and Russia.
Analysis | Feb 02, 2018
Instead of using trusted tools to manage our countries’ high-risk frictions, the new NPR seems to pursue the one thing that failed to make America and its allies safer in the Cold War: a nuclear arms race.
Analysis | Jan 26, 2018
Ankara’s Afrin offensive has exposed Moscow’s vulnerabilities in Syria and hurt Russia’s chances for casting itself as the lead player in clinching a peace deal. But it also opens a new door for tactical U.S.-Russian cooperation to keep the peace in northern Syria.
Analysis | Dec 12, 2017
Newly declassified documents lend credence to claims that Western leaders repeatedly reassured their Soviet counterparts in the early 1990s that NATO would not budge "one inch eastward."
Analysis | Nov 22, 2017
Russia and the West are not locked in a life-and-death battle over the Balkans. The region is just a vulnerable periphery where Moscow can exert influence as part of a broader contest with the U.S and the EU.
Analysis | Nov 08, 2017
A new report offers Russian, Chinese and U.S. assessments of the growing risk of military conflicts going nuclear.

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