Late Soviet Central Asia: Colonialism vs. Nationalism

Dec. 15, 2020, 9:00-10:30am (RSVP requested)

Join the Central Asia Program at George Washington University for an online talk in Russian (with questions in English) on colonialism and nationalism in Central Asia.

Мероприятие пройдет на русском, с вопросами на русском и английском языках.
This event will be held in Russian with questions in English. 

Как колониальное и национальное проявляется и сосуществует в нарративах таджикской интеллигенции, казахской оперы и туркменских коврах? Эти вопросы обсуждаются на семинаре с участием Артемия Калиновского, Нари Шелекпаева и Снежаны Атановой. Модераторы дискуссии: Марлен Ларуэль и Сергей Абашин. 

How does colonialism and nationalism coexist and are expressed in the narratives of Tajik intelligentsia, Kazakh opera and Turkmen carpets? These questions are discussed at a seminar with Artemy Kalinovsky, Nari Shelekpaev and Snezhana Atanova. Moderators of the discussion: Marlene Laruelle and Sergey Abashin. 

RSVP is requested; information can be found at this link.


Artemy Kalinovsky, professor of integrated knowledge, College of Liberal Arts, Temple University

Nari Shelekpaev, associate professor, department of history, European University at St. Petersburg

Snezhana Atanova, researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow); PhD candidate, INALCO (Paris)