Costs of War: Is US Support for Ukraine Costing It ‘Peanuts’?

Feb. 24, 2023, 2:00-3:30pm (registration required)

One year into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States has poured billions of dollars in aid and weaponry into Ukraine’s war effort. Public support for this aid, initially widespread, has waned somewhat as the war continues, with newly-elected U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy promising in the fall no “blank checks” for Ukraine, if Republicans took control of Congress in the midterm elections. While some, like Timothy Ash of Chatham House, argue that Western support has been a cost-effective investment, others, like Trita Parsi of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, believe the benefits do not outweigh the costs—including the strategic ones—if the war becomes protracted.

Join Russia Matters and the Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies on Feb. 24 at 2:00-3:30pm for an online debate between Ash and Parsi on the costs and benefits of the United States’ support for Ukraine. 


Timothy Ash, associate fellow in the Russia and Eurasia program at Chatham House and a senior sovereign strategist at Bluebay Asset Management in London

Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft


Kate Davidson, researcher with the Avoiding Great Power War Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Register here.