Addressing the Gender Gap in Russian Science

Dec. 15, 2020, 10:00-11:30am (RSVP requested)

Join the Wilson Center's Kennan Institute for an online talk on gender in Russian science. While Russian women actively participate in hard sciences, there is a noticeable opportunity gap between male and female scientists. In 2019, women made up just 5.3 percent of membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences, and women earn about 73 percent of the salary of their male counterparts. What specific gender-related challenges do women scientists face in Russia? How does it compare to other post-Soviet countries and the West? What is the role of the Soviet legacy, and how do the current national dynamics fit in with the global context? Olga Dobrovidova, Ina Ganguli and Olga Valkova will address these questions.

RSVP is requested; information can be found at this link.


Olga Dobrovidova, senior copywriter, strategic communications department, Skoltech

Ina Ganguli, associate professor, economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst; associate director, UMass Computational Social Science Institute (CSSI)

Olga Valkova, doctor of history and chief researcher, Department for the Historiography and Sources of the History of Sciences and Technology, S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences